The landscape of mobile video isn't just changing. It's already here, FULL FORCE, whether you're capitalizing on it or not.
As such, Facebook recently talked about some of the things that's working now with some of their most successful advertisers.
VP, Core Ads, Facebook
Re-organize to test and measure ads on a weekly cycle, not every 6 months.
Build organizations that can deliver quality creative inexpensively and on short notice. Align creative, measurement, and media teams to connect and work together as a single team.
We recognize this can be a formidable challenge, but mobile is evolving too quickly for a traditional, fragmented approach to work well.
The full article is published on Facebook Business... But I'll summarize here to cut to the chase.
If you want to stay relevant and attract an audience with video, you MUST pay attention to how people are consuming it.
Facts to know...
Demanding attention no longer works. Period.
When videos Auto play on the FB timeline, they get 16.7 seconds of attention, on average. Even shorter on video ads at a whopping 5.7 seconds.
The general audience just clicks or swipes away or even leaves the platform entirely when forced to watch ads. The trend is so prevalent that YouTube recently ditched its non-skippable 30 second ads. - - The audience is now in control and platforms are taking notice.
Oh, and TV ads? Get this...
FB did a study to watch FB usage during prime time television watching. During every single TV ad, FB usage literally doubled, then when the TV show was back on, usage went back down to normal. Then, on the next commercial - - - Same thing.
So, even if YOU might be a person that sits through commercials, like me, current data suggests that we're in the minority.
Even network TV can no longer demand and hold attention on a mass scale.
Because of mobile devices, even laptops, the everyday Joe is now in charge of their content consumption.
This is the era of choice and people are ONLY going to watch ads and videos that grab their attention, reward their time, and are immediately relevant. (Regardless of platform or medium)
And to further cement Facebook's idea about what happens during TV commercials, listen in to Gary Vaynerchuk's keynote talk at SALT Las Vegas this year: Start at 4:20 timecode. Similar sentiment, yet more "colorfully" said.
The solution:
"Build organizations that can deliver quality creative inexpensively and on short notice. Align creative, measurement, and media teams to connect and work together as a single team."
And that is exactly what I'm doing over at "Video Buddy".
My newish (since October last year) service is aimed to help creators, influencers, & brands crank out relevant, video centric content.
The beta phase went well with the handful of initial clients and I'm now taking on new CHARTER members of the Video Buddy service with the goal of:
- Creating relevant, snackable, shareable videos via creative editing of your content.
- Developing styles of video that stand out from the crowd and attract the right audience
- Eliminate any editing you're currently doing now so you can focus on the content as an influencer or brand.
At Video Buddy, we're making videos for Brands & Influencers to help tell their story.
Here's one we cranked out for Greg Rollett of from longer form webinar content.
We identified a "snackable" section, added some relevant motion graphics, made it a square style (which happens to be converting better right now) and added a call to action at the end.
Relevant video for his target audience.
Have a look
Our Charter service is...
Unlimited, Flat Rate, Daily Video Editing -
So you, as the influencer, or brand, can focus on generating the "raw" content to hand off to your dedicated "video buddy" to clean up, condense, stylize, and make you look great.
Solving the recommended solution of "Build organizations that can deliver quality creative inexpensively and on short notice. Align creative, measurement, and media teams to connect and work together as a single team."
Interested in a service like this?